Assoc.-Prof.in Mag.a Dr.in Katrina Vanura
Katrina Vanura has been a research associate at the Clinical Department of Hematology and Hemostaseology at Vienna General Hospital since 2002. She studied biology with a focus on marine biology at the University of Vienna, where she also completed her doctorate. As part of her studies, she completed research stays in Stockholm (Sweden) and at Penn State University in State College (USA). She also spent several shorter research stays in the USA, Central America and at the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen.
Her scientific focus is on lymphoproliferative diseases (development, progression and development of new therapeutic approaches). She is responsible for the supervision and scientific training of students of medicine and natural sciences in the context of project and diploma theses and dissertations. She is also responsible for the administration of the haematology laboratory in the Anna Spiegel research building, which opened in 2010.
Focus on basic research:
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (lymph node cancer)
- Molecular basis of leukemias and lymphomas
- Chronic inflammatory diseases and hematological diseases
- Gender-specific differences in hematologic diseases
More information - Working Group Assoc.-Prof.in Mag.a Dr.in Katrina Vanura
Link to the English version AG Vanura:
Member of the following societies:
- European Hematology Association (EHA)
- American Society for Hematology (ASH)
- European Research Initiative on CLL (ERIC)