Prof. Heinz Burgmann, Head of the Department of Medicine I
Enhancing the well-being and satisfaction of the patients in our care, as well as research and teaching, form the primary focus of all of the activities of the Department of Medicine I.
The entities that make up the Department of Medicine 1 – the Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, Division of Oncology, Division of Hematology and Hemostaseology and Division of Palliative Medicine as well as the Intensive Care Unit, Bone Marrow Transplant Unit (BMT) and three day clinics – see themselves as academic institutions that pursue the aim of developing and optimising effect strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with the conditions and diseases that they specialise in. As an organisational unit, we also conduct targeted research into the underlying causes, principles and mechanisms of the conditions that the Department treats.
Our General Facilities

Research focuses
We conduct research into the causes, principles and mechanisms of the diseases and medical conditions covered by the specialist units and divisions, both at the preclinical and clinical level.
Facts & Figures
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