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Day care clinic 18J

Our day care clinic 18J currently has 22 treatment places available. These are intended for patients who do not require an inpatient stay but need longer-term therapy. Patients receive meals and are cared for by a team of medical specialists, assistant doctors, and qualified healthcare and nursing staff.

You may be assigned as a patient through the hematology outpatient clinic or from the inpatient ward 18i. To reach the day care clinic, please take the red elevators to the 18th floor and register at the 18G reception area (to the left of the elevators). Then, proceed to the day care clinic 18J, where you will receive information about the daily routine for the therapy program.

Our team at the day care clinic is dedicated to supporting you during your medical treatment, providing compassionate and competent care. We strive to accommodate your personal needs and impairments as much as possible and encourage you to contact us with questions or concerns.

Meals are provided at the day care clinic 18J.


Day care clinic 18J, Level 18

T: +43 (0)1 40400-44690
F: +43 (0)1 40400-44680

Opening Hours: Mon - Fri   7:00 AM – 5:00 PM (workdays)

Senior consultants:

T: +43 (0)1 40400-44690
F: +43 (0)1 40400-44680

Head nurse:
Qualified nurse  Renate Fiedler
T: +43 (0)1 40400-44690
F: +43 (0)1 40400-44680

Deputy head nurse:
Qualified nurse Elfriede Hutter


The care at our day care clinic

Nursing care at our day care clinic boasts numerous positive aspects. The primary goal for trainees in our day care clinic is to facilitate the transition from theoretical knowledge to practical application in the realm of hemato-oncological patient care. Trainees engage in a range of co-responsible activities and receive robust support and reinforcement in this domain. It is imperative that trainees perceive patients from a holistic view as whole individuals and grasp the medical context comprehensively.

To facilitate this understanding, we have implemented the project "Promoting Development from Theory to Practice in Hemato-Oncological Patient Care" to provide trainees with ample opportunities for growth and insight.