Let me walk in your shoes ...
Staying in hospital raises a lot of questions. Most of them are medical: a precise diagnosis, possible treatments, chances of success...
But as time passes and the body and mind become weaker, as sleep is denied and loneliness sets in, other questions arise. Memories of times long past, with many ups and downs, are awakened and the present situation becomes clearer. Questions arise: how will it go on, how can it go on? Not infrequently, one's own faith or religion takes on a special significance: Does one have a relationship with God, or does God seem more distant than ever, can prayer give strength, or does one lack the strength to pray?
In such situations it is often good to have someone beside us who is just there, who listens, who holds our hand.
We are a team of professional and volunteer chaplains specially trained to work in hospitals. If you are looking for someone to help you through this difficult time in your life, we would like to be there for you. What we want to do is well described by the writer M. Rutherford. She says: "Let me walk in your shoes to feel where they squeeze you, even though my size is different and I will never feel the same as you. I will try anyway, if you trust me".
Our focus is on the religious and spiritual care of our patients and their families. We try to respond to your specific needs.