As part of our university mission to provide academic teaching and training, we offer palliative care seminars, lectures and optional courses in palliative care and medical humanities. These focus on physical symptoms such as pain, dyspnoea, loss of appetite, anxiety, depression, vomiting, cachexia, sarcopenia, nausea, constipation and sleep disorders. Ethical and legal aspects and communication skills in palliative care are also discussed with students.
The Clinical Division of Palliative Medicine supervises undergraduate, postgraduate, diploma and doctoral students.
- Wahlfach „Palliativmedizin“: LV-Nr. 711.102
- Wahlfach „Gespräche über Sterben und Tod“: LV-Nr. 561.459
- Palliativmedizin in Block 22/23: LV-Nr. 807.010
- Interdisziplinäre Fallkonferenz – 5. Studienjahr: LV-Nr. 809.084
- Medical Humanities und Narrative Medizin: LV-Nr. 711.005
- Block 27 – Innere Medizin: LV-Nr. 808.000
- Journal Club Palliative Care: LV-Nr. 851.002
The Column on Pharmacotherapy
Medication is an integral part of palliative care. It can be very challenging to keep track of the risks, but also the opportunities, of drug therapy alongside all the other needs. With "Pharmischtes", the multi-professional and international team of authors aims to focus on drug therapy for a few minutes - in an everyday, evidence-based and easy-to-understand way.
"Pharmischtes" will be published two to three times a year and is, of course, free of charge.
Enjoy reading!
Christina Gerlach, Eva Katharina Masel, Constanze Rémi
Pharmischtes 1 from May 2022: Metamizol
Pharmischtes 2 from Sept. 2022: Buprenorphin
Leaving this world can be a wonderful thing. Eva Masel has experienced it many times. In this book, the head of palliative medicine at Vienna General Hospital tells of such farewells, of love, hope, forgiveness and gratitude.
Along the way, she gives us tips on what we can do to make our lives successful right up to the last hour.
ISBN: 978-3-99001-708-1
You can buy books in house - €24.00 (no shipping)!
How to contact us: gabriele.topolanek@meduniwien.ac.at or 0043 1 40400 27520
Press review:
- You can listen to an interview with Prof Masel in the talk series "Bei Budgen" here: https://wien.orf.at/stories/3230205/ To the podcast
- Podcast "Gut zu wissen" from the Tiroler Tageszeitung on the episode "Why we should also deal with our dying" with Prof Masel, which you can listen to here: https://gutzuwissen.podigee.io/139-new-episode
- "Die Presse" from 29.10.2023
- Article in "Die ZEIT" from Nov. 2nd, 2023
- Article in "Die Furche", issue 44-2023
- An interview with Prof Masel with the "Kurier-Talk" of Kurier TV can be listened to here: https://kurier.tv/kurier-talk/kurier-talk-mit-eva-masel/402644414
- Review in the "Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin", Thieme-Verlag

Palliative care is an attitude, and above all it is about life.
Out of fear, the inevitable - death - is often not discussed at all. Because it is important to address the elephant in the room, the #hochpalliativ podcast was created.
The podcast is hosted by Dr. Lea Kum, a doctor in training in internal medicine, and Prof. Eva Masel, Head of Department and Professor of Palliative Medicine at the Clinical Division of Palliative Medicine at the Medical University of Vienna.
If you would like to join them on their rollercoaster ride through palliative care in Austria, you can tune in weekly now and in the future: hochpalliativ.podigee.io
About the KPJ criteria
The Division of Palliative Medicine supervises students, CPY students, diploma students, trainees and PhD students.
For enquiries please contact:
Barbara Dörsch
Clinic and student secretariat
Department for Internal Medicine I
Waehringer Gürtel 18-20, 1090 Vienna
T: +43 (0)1 40400-44490
F: +43 (0)1 40400-60880
E-mail: barbara.doersch@meduniwien.ac.at
Opening hours of the Student Secretariat:
Mon 10:00 am -12:00 pm
Tue 10:00 am -11:00 am
Thu 13:00 pm -14:00 pm