Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Sylvia Knapp, PhD
Head of the Research Division Infection BiologyGroup Leader
T: +43 (0)1 40400-51390
Mail: sylvia.knapp@meduniwien.ac.at
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=JRtDz9kAAAAJ&hl=de
Bluesky: @knapplab.bsky.social
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9016-5244
Sylvia Knapp, MD, PhD, is Professor of Infection Biology at the Medical University of Vienna. Sylvia studied Medicine in Vienna and Berlin, and is a board-certified Internist. After her clinical training, she obtained her PhD at the University of Amsterdam, where she investigated pattern recognition receptors in bacterial infections. Between 2006 and 2021, she was Principal Investigator at CeMM and continued her clinical duties while also running her own lab. In 2012, Sylvia was appointed Professor of Infection Biology at the Medical University Vienna. Her research focuses on the innate immune response to infections, with a specific emphasis on the comprehensive repertoire of macrophage functions in development, health and disease. Sylvia is highly committed to bridging academic medicine and basic science. She is a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and of Academia.Net circle of excellent female scientists. Sylvia is a member of the University Board of the Medical University of Graz, elected vice president of the Ludwig Boltzmann Society as well as the Viennese College of Physicians, and vice-dean of doctoral studies at the Medical University of Vienna.
Selected publications
ACE2 is the critical in vivo receptor for SARS-CoV-2 in a novel COVID-19 mouse model with TNF- and IFNgamma-driven immunopathology.
Gawish R, Starkl P, Pimenov L, Hladik A, Lakovits K, Oberndorfer F, Cronin SJ, Ohradanova-Repic A, Wirnsberger G, Agerer B, Endler L, Capraz T, Perthold JW, Cikes D, Koglgruber R, Hagelkruys A, Montserrat N, Mirazimi A, Boon L, Stockinger H, Bergthaler A, Oostenbrink C, Penninger JM and Knapp S (2022). Elife 11: e74623. 10.7554/eLife.74623
Multi-omics profiling predicts allograft function after lung transplantation.
Watzenbock ML, Gorki AD, Quattrone F, Gawish R, Schwarz S, Lambers C, Jaksch P, Lakovits K, Zahalka S, Rahimi N, Starkl P, Symmank D, Artner T, Pattaroni C, Fortelny N, Klavins K, Frommlet F, Marsland BJ, Hoetzenecker K, Widder S and Knapp S (2022). Eur Respir J. 2003292. 10.1183/13993003.03292-2020
Trained immunity of alveolar macrophages requires metabolic rewiring and type 1 interferon signaling.
Zahalka S, Starkl P, Watzenboeck ML, Farhat A, Radhouani M, Deckert F, Hladik A, Lakovits K, Oberndorfer F, Lassnig C, Strobl B, Klavins K, Matsushita M, Sanin DE, Grzes KM, Pearce EJ, Gorki AD, Knapp S. Mucosal Immunol. 2022 May;15(5):896-907. doi: 10.1038/s41385-022-00528-5. Epub 2022 Jul 18.
IgE Effector Mechanisms, in Concert with Mast Cells, Contribute to Acquired Host Defense against Staphylococcusaureus.
Starkl P, Watzenboeck ML, Popov LM, Zahalka S, Hladik A, Lakovits K, Radhouani M, Haschemi A, Marichal T, Reber LL, Gaudenzio N, Sibilano R, Stulik L, Fontaine F, Mueller AC, Amieva MR, Galli SJ and Knapp S (2020). Immunity 53(4): 793-804.e799. 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.08.002
Lung Single-Cell Signaling Interaction Map Reveals Basophil Role in Macrophage Imprinting.
Cohen M, Giladi A, Gorki AD, Solodkin DG, Zada M, Hladik A, Miklosi A, Salame TM, Halpern KB, David E, Itzkovitz S, Harkany T, Knapp S and Amit I. (2018). Cell 175(4): 1031-1044 e1018. 10.1016/j.cell.2018.09.009
First-Breath-Induced Type 2 Pathways Shape the Lung Immune Environment.
Saluzzo S, Gorki AD, Rana BM, Martins R, Scanlon S, Starkl P, Lakovits K, Hladik A, Korosec A, Sharif O, Warszawska JM, Jolin H, Mesteri I, McKenzie AN and Knapp S (2017). Cell Reports 18(8): 1893-1905. 10.1016/j.celrep.2017.01.071
Heme drives hemolysis-induced susceptibility to infection via disruption of phagocyte functions.
Martins R, Maier J, Gorki AD, Huber KV, Sharif O, Starkl P, Saluzzo S, Quattrone F, Gawish R, Lakovits K, Aichinger MC, Radic-Sarikas B, Lardeau CH, Hladik A, Korosec A, Brown M, Vaahtomeri K, Duggan M, Kerjaschki D, Esterbauer H, Colinge J, Eisenbarth SC, Decker T, Bennett KL, Kubicek S, Sixt M, Superti-Furga G and Knapp S (2016). Nat Immunol. 17(12): 1361-1372. 10.1038/ni.3590
Lipocalin 2 deactivates macrophages and worsens pneumococcal pneumonia outcomes.
Warszawska JM, Gawish R, Sharif O, Sigel S, Doninger B, Lakovits K, Mesteri I, Nairz M, Boon L, Spiel A, Fuhrmann V, Strobl B, Muller M, Schenk P, Weiss G, Knapp S (2013). J Clin Invest. 123(8): 3363-3372. 10.1172/JCI67911
WAVE1 mediates suppression of phagocytosis by phospholipid-derived DAMPs.
Matt U, Sharif O, Martins R, Furtner T, Langeberg L, Gawish R, Elbau I, Zivkovic A, Lakovits K, Oskolkova O, Doninger B, Vychytil A, Perkmann T, Schabbauer G, Binder CJ, Bochkov VN, Scott JD and Knapp S (2013). J Clin Invest. 123(7): 3014-3024. 10.1172/JCI60681
CD14 is a coreceptor of Toll-like receptors 7 and 9.
Baumann CL, Aspalter IM, Sharif O, Pichlmair A, Bluml S, Grebien F, Bruckner M, Pasierbek P, Aumayr K, Planyavsky M, Bennett KL, Colinge J and Knapp S*, Superti-Furga G* (2010). J Exp Med. 207(12): 2689-2701. 10.1084/jem.20101111 (*corresp. authors)